Tuesday, March 20, 2018

This is Serious, Trump has crossed the line

Tump wants the death penalty for drug dealers. If it's Pablo Escobar, I would agree. I do believe in the death penalty, but it should be reserved for the Ted Bundys.
How long will it take to get to someone's child who got hooked on drugs and is now out there  dealing to support their habit. Do you want your child or the child of someone you know on death row when they should be in re-hab?
This is vigilante justice. That's not who we are. Open this door and no telling whose child will end up on death row.
Next little Trumpie is still mad. He wants sanctions on China unless they cut our debt. I don't know the details. If he is talking about charges that amount to a tax, or carrying charge, we can negotiate that, but we should pay for what we buy.
It is the same as checking out at the grocery store. You pay for you groceries then hold a gun on the cashier until they return half your money or you force the manager to lock all the doors and don't let anyone out or in until the money is given up.
The problem is if sanctions are placed on China, they will place sanction on us. I'm not worried about reading labels on a food package or dress tags. What do we get from China that goes into making our planes, trains, automobiles, heating, air conditioning, and rockets? It might be some little do-hicky that would take us decades to produce what we need, meantime we do without.
America is no longer self-sufficient; the cause, progress. If any country could close it borders and get along without help, it's the US, but what would be the cost of our isolation.
My stance from the first has been Trump doesn't belong in the white house. I have changed that, not only does he not belong in the white house, he needs to be in a mental hospital.   
If you believe that the death penalty should be changed to legalized murder, and other countries threatened if they don't give us the money we paid them for goods or we will stop dealing with them. I didn't explain that well, I'll try again. If other countries don't allow us to rob them we will stop dealing with them.
Oh, yes, the guy who handles my advertisement said to mention buying my Karen Gallagher Mystery Series books; Umbrella on the Floor and Poison Mushrooms. They're on Amazon, Kindle and lots of other places.  

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