Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Trump and Syria

            Congratulations Trump, you finally listened to your military advisors. What Trump knows about war is what he's seen on TV, only when the show is over the actors get up and go home. It has nothing to do with real live and neither does Trump, living in his bubble dedicated to himself.
 We had to do something about poison gas, if we hadn't we were setting ourselves up to be a poison gas target.  
            Face the Nation had a senator saying Trump didn't have the right to start a war, only congress can do that. The President can't broadcast the action he intends to take against a threat to our country.  He can reply to an immediate threat.  
However, when our troops hit the ground, Congress has to sanction it. Most of you know I am a retired soldier. I don't want any of my grandsons go to war because a self-serving, liar in the White House has declared war without a vote from congress.  
  I was excited because at first it looked like Trump was listening to his military advisors. I had high hopes that he might begin using his ears and brain before he engages his mouth or tweet.   
Trump won't run for a second term, because the job wasn't what he expected. From what I saw early on, he didn't know the presidency was an actual job. He thought it was like being Queen Elizabeth, all he had to do was smile and wave in photo opts.
            I don't blame Trump for becoming president, I blame the American people. His life was out there for every one to see.  We knew he threw childish tantrums. We knew he was one of the those I'm always right people. We knew he got his way by talking louder and over other people until they give in. We knew he was a womanizer. Finally, we knew he had plans to build a Trump hotel in Russia.
            The truth was out there. Our right to vote is important North Korea doesn't have it. Russia has it with only one name on the ballot. We have real elections and need to make that right count by using even a little research on who we plan to vote for, instead of watching the candidate put on a Vegas style show to get your vote.
            This morning there was a drawing of a man Stormy Daniels said threatened her at the behest of Trump. Trump is in Florida and his house guest is the president of South Korea. Our ally is in a volatile position, in a location where we stay prepared for a conflict with North Korea. Trump tweets that the sketch of the man is fake. He's running my country and his concern is about a porn star's drawing, instead of his very important house guests. His mind isn't on the job, it's on himself. It's always on him, the Donald, President Trump, reality show star Donald Trump. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King
Today is the anniversary of his murder.
I was born and raised in Ohio in a white neighborhood. My mother was prejudice of everyone. Their ancestry, race, religion, even people from certain states.
A black woman helped her wash the windows, once or twice a year. Mother feared black men.  Sounds funny, but my mother was born in 1906 and as late as the 1950's people felt that way.  
My father listened, but never agreed or disagreed. I knew at an early age disagreement with my mother meant a fight, but I'd like to think my father's feelings were akin to mine. Unlike my mother, Daddy grew up poor and possibly felt bias because his family was poor.      
My husband and I were talking with a friend in the friend's office, I forget the subject, what I remember is by impulse I laid my hand on the friend's hand, then removed it. He froze mid-sentence and stared at me. Then said, "You've never touched a black person before."
I nodded. There was a saying that accurately described the situation in the 1950's and earlier.  Southerners don't care how close blacks get as long as they don't get to high. Northerners didn't care how high they get as long as they didn't get to close.
That touch on the hand, broke any northern prejudice I didn't know it set me on the path I'm on today. In the military I have numerous black friends. In my old age I'm once again living in a white world.  The following is how I feel about black people.
Most of their ancestors were here before mine, pre-revolutionary war.  The rest arrived before most white immigrants, pre-civil war. They were slaves, who's drudgery built an American economy, cleared land and built farms (plantations). They were in shackles, but their part in building the United States of America was equal to my white ancestors.
I am truly sorry for what Black Americans have had to endure in their country. Black leaders please stop telling blacks what they've had to deal with and tell them who they are, Americans, whose ancestors actually slaved to build America. Embrace their heritage and stop calling themselves African-American. Let them know they are Americans, this is their country.
I don't call myself, German, English, Irish, American. I am an American. The United States of American was built by my ancestors who handed down the most powerful nation in the world to me.
If black leaders and parents instilled this pride in their children. Give them the desire to  support the country they inherited. Teach white people to respect black people with such deep American roots.  I want to hear black people repeat the next lines I am about to write.
New comers to our shores welcome, we're a country of colors, it's the country my ancestors built, support it and help maintain the American dream.      

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter

I know who God is and I know Trump. We’ll leave the latter to TV and discuss God.
God is the president of the world, he is in charge and has been from the beginning the beginning. With all that experience I’d vote for him any day.
Where is he, I don’t know, but when I talk to him he hears me. I know this because he answers, it isn’t always what I want to hear, but he invented logic and common sense. If you want to be sure it’s God answering you and not your personal desires, give it the logic and common-sense test. 
I had people tell me that if you aren’t a Christian or haven’t been baptized you won’t go to heaven. I happen to be both Christian and baptized, but the last statement doesn’t meet the logic and common-sense test. 
Islamic activists believe if you aren’t Islamic you should be killed. They don’t recognize if they kill us we go to God and they are still here. Doesn’t pass the two tests. 
On this earth nearly, everyone believes in God. In their minds they think it’s a different God, who belongs only to them. I know some Christians who also think that way. 
Can we agree this world has one God? If you want my belief, I think he’s in charge of the universe. I don’t know if there are other life forms out there. God knows, when you meet him you can ask. 
If you are a bible reader and have a Christian bible handy, start with the old testament. That’s the Jewish bible, Christianity wasn’t a religion when it was written, Christ wouldn’t be born until centuries later. 
Want to read the Islamic bible, I can do that, start at the old testament and read to the book where God tells Sara’s handmaiden that her son will rule great nations. The word rule, depends on the bible, rule, King of, Messiah, there is a litany of words depending the version of the you read. 
My Methodist raising preferred the King James. In college, St Leo’s, a catholic college, taught me from The Good New Bible. There was a problem, unlike my son who has his bachelor’s from St Leo’s, and lives not far from St Leo’s Florida. I was stationed in Fort Stewart, Georgia, so the mandatory class required by the catholic college was taught to my class by a Baptist minister. 
Excuse me I’m going to stop writing and watch the Missing Years of Jesus. If you want to join me and have the National Geographic channel, catch it now or the next time it’s aired. I’ve studied the missing years of Jesus, I enjoy history, and most versions pass the common sense and logic tests. HAPPY EASTER.