I know who God is and I know Trump. We’ll leave the latter to TV and discuss God.
God is the president of the world, he is in charge and has been from the beginning the beginning. With all that experience I’d vote for him any day.
Where is he, I don’t know, but when I talk to him he hears me. I know this because he answers, it isn’t always what I want to hear, but he invented logic and common sense. If you want to be sure it’s God answering you and not your personal desires, give it the logic and common-sense test.
I had people tell me that if you aren’t a Christian or haven’t been baptized you won’t go to heaven. I happen to be both Christian and baptized, but the last statement doesn’t meet the logic and common-sense test.
Islamic activists believe if you aren’t Islamic you should be killed. They don’t recognize if they kill us we go to God and they are still here. Doesn’t pass the two tests.
On this earth nearly, everyone believes in God. In their minds they think it’s a different God, who belongs only to them. I know some Christians who also think that way.
Can we agree this world has one God? If you want my belief, I think he’s in charge of the universe. I don’t know if there are other life forms out there. God knows, when you meet him you can ask.
If you are a bible reader and have a Christian bible handy, start with the old testament. That’s the Jewish bible, Christianity wasn’t a religion when it was written, Christ wouldn’t be born until centuries later.
Want to read the Islamic bible, I can do that, start at the old testament and read to the book where God tells Sara’s handmaiden that her son will rule great nations. The word rule, depends on the bible, rule, King of, Messiah, there is a litany of words depending the version of the you read.
My Methodist raising preferred the King James. In college, St Leo’s, a catholic college, taught me from The Good New Bible. There was a problem, unlike my son who has his bachelor’s from St Leo’s, and lives not far from St Leo’s Florida. I was stationed in Fort Stewart, Georgia, so the mandatory class required by the catholic college was taught to my class by a Baptist minister.
Excuse me I’m going to stop writing and watch the Missing Years of Jesus. If you want to join me and have the National Geographic channel, catch it now or the next time it’s aired. I’ve studied the missing years of Jesus, I enjoy history, and most versions pass the common sense and logic tests. HAPPY EASTER.
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