Sunday, March 11, 2018

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Today's rant comes from a retired police officer, who doesn't agree with what I've been saying.
My rants are to the American people. My goal is for every American to register to vote and exercise that right. I don't agree with most of what this man is saying, but I support his right to say it.  The first paragraph is an answer to a question I asked about guns.
I don't know the capacity of all firearms. Handgun magazine capacities vary depending on size and caliber. I would say high capacity handgun magazines can hold as much as 17 or 18 rounds. A shot gun can hold 4 shells with one more in the chamber for a total of 5. Assault rifles, like normal rifles are capable of high caliber rounds with high accuracy at long distances. The primary difference is the number of rounds you can fire those high caliber rounds with accuracy. A hunting rifle is not designed to fire at high speeds. There would be no sport in that.

Federal regulations prevent civilians from having fully automatic assault rifles without a special permit. However, people have gotten around that with items like the bump stocks. Also, a standard police bullet proof vest is not designed to withstand a rifle round. Vests that can stop a rifle round are very heavy. It is not just the round itself but the impact that the round makes when it hits. There are lighter weight ballistic vests that will stop the round but the impact will still kill the officer.

While there is still room for reform with firearms, that is not the complete answer. It's like blaming the fork for people being fat. Let's reduce the number of prongs on the fork so it won't hold as much food. We need more focus on care for our mentally ill and our society as a whole. Speaking of mental illness is not "politically correct" so let's focus on guns. We have taken the foundation out from under our country. The Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem have become a joke that people can kneel at and make fun of. Heaven forbid (pun intended) anyone say a prayer publicly.  Faith and Patriotism are rapidly diminishing every day in this country but it is what this country was built on.

This country is going down a bad path because we want to be politically correct. Politically Correct is like Military Intelligence, they are a contradiction in terms. Take out the foundation of any structure and the structure will fall. Political correctness is killing this country. Heaven forbid someone say what is on their mind because they will be a sexist or racist and shunned. Lack of family structure is killing this country. Removing discipline, structure, faith, and patriotism from our schools and nation are killing this country.

A government that can give themselves raises and allow themselves to have separate rules than the people they represent, like with healthcare and retirement, is wrong. HOW DO WE REFORM OUR GOVERNMENT. They are no longer "for the people," they are "for themselves" and do the minimal amount to maintain what they have.

Any benefits that our government receive should be voted on BY THE PEOPLE. That would be their incentive to do better. Right now, they have no incentive to help the people, only to help themselves. How many people would say, sure senator, you don't need to abide by the healthcare or Obama Care rules that the rest of the nation must deal with. Senator, it is such a tough job you should get a full pension for serving just 1 term in office. Sure Senator, you guys are doing a great job, let's give you a great raise to go with all the other benefits you receive for being a Senator.

I believe we have elected numerous people who have gone to Washington, with great intentions, only to have been swallowed-up by the corrupt political environment that currently exists in our country. I voted for Trump because I believe he is powerful enough to disrupt our current government and force a change. He will speak his mind and there is not much chance that he is going to get swallowed-up. I am happy with the current turmoil in Washington because it is showing what babies we have in government and how it is more important to get who they want than to help this country succeed.  I honestly feel we are no longer the greatest Nation in the World. I blame that on our Government and the direction they have taken it.

To summarize, some gun control, a lot of help for our mentally ill. Bring back the foundation of our nation with Patriotism, Religion, and Discipline. Reform our opulent, self-serving government. Make them abide by the same rules as the people they are supposed to serve and only receive benefits by vote of the people. I could go on but this email is to long as it is.

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