My grandson enlisted in the military in Virginia, then went to stay with his brother in Florida until time to leave for Basic Training.
At the last minute he lost his slot. As retired Army, my guess was it was over which recruiting office would get the credit for the enlistment. I don't know if I was right, because it didn't make any difference.
I made a call then went to Lowes where my grandson was working. I told him I needed him to go on line and write a letter saying he wanted to go to basic Monday, and he's be off. He said he didn't want everyone to know his grandmother used her influence to get him in the military. I told him no one would know.
Yes, I have a lot of influence. Clout is another word for it. I'm a registered voter. I learned a long time ago that USA Congressmen work for us.
This time I need help. If you are already a registered voter, pick up the phone or go on line and call your congressman.
If you aren't registered go to the courthouse and spend ten minutes of your time registering to vote. After that it's easy, they will assign you to a voting poll in your neighborhood.
Here's what I want; 1. Ban all assault weapons, only allow them to be sold to law enforcement or military. 2. Put metal detectors in the front of every school with 2 armed police or security guard in the morning then one for the remainder of the day. 3. Make all other doors exit only. Put up cameras to see if someone tries holding the door open for another person.
This isn't hard and it makes sense. Please, contact every elected official and let them know if they want your vote they have to do this. NRA and gun manufactures won't give them a dime if they are voted out of office.
If you want to be as important as me, register to vote, then vote.