To the victims of the hurricane, who are losing everything they have to the water, my heart goes out to you. To those who have nowhere to go except a shelter, the hell keeps on going.
People who have insurance and a savings account, it is doubtful they will be able to replace everything they lost, which isn't leaving much hope for the rest.
Loss of your home is bad enough whether you've lived there a year or fifty years. Even if you a rented, it was still the place where you lived your life.
The water has taken the things that can't be replaced. The pictures of your children growing up, or a parent or grandparent who has passed. The most important things often can't be replaced, because the event that made them so dear happen long ago. You can't replace it because it has no value to anyone except you.
I want to help. I have some food, blankets, and clothes to donate, but I am a writer. What I need to do is write, in the hopes of helping others understand just how bad your situation is. A sad memory that will stay with your children for life.
Because I want all the help money can buy for you folks, I'm going to bash the President again. Maybe me or someone else will get through to him.
Trump said something close to, "It happened in Texas and Texans are tough, they can get through it." Getting through something and bearing the scars for years after, are two different things.
We've had several rich Presidents. FDR was born wealthy. His polio made him understand pain and living with things you can't control. He got it.
JFK also had a silver spoon in his mouth, but he was in combat during WWII. He saw people he knew die. He got it.
Before the election, a reporter mentioned soldiers sacrificing for their country. Trump said he sacrificed too, he built a business.
Call, email, or write to your congressman, don't let Trump's obsession with giving the rich a tax break, get in the way of doing the best that can be done for the folks in Texas.
When Trump opens his mouth, his foot automatically flies in. The worst part is he doesn't have a clue. I can only think of three words to say to the hurricane survivors. The same three words I want to ask the rest of you to do for them.
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