Ever since there have been little boys, they've played with blocks. In my day, they were made of wood, with letters and numbers painted on them. Today, it's Legos.
Some little boys would begin building something. If they couldn't get it the way they wanted, instead of trying to make changes, they slapped the blocks and scattered them across the floor.
Most little boys grow out of the destroy-instead-of-repair phase. A few don't, when those little boys grow up they are called names like, Congressman and Senator.
Little girls sometimes express this destroy-instead-of-fix way, usually with puzzles, which make a smaller mess. Girls outgrow it, only a few fail to change. This explains why there are fewer women in Congress.
They are doing it again. The Obama Care act is a start on something this country desperately needs. All the other industrial countries have a health care plan. If the little boys bothered to look at theirs, they could see what might work for us and what won't.
In our diverse country, no plan will work on the first try. It will take years of trial and error. We have a basis, but it will need tweaking every year, until it's as good as it can get. It is impossible to make it perfect for everyone.
Little Republican boys want to throw the entire plan away because they are afraid if it gets fixed and works, the little Democrat boys will get the credit.
This thing started because Trump said he was going to throw it out and replace it. Now we clearly see he had no idea what was in the plan, let alone what was wrong with it. He didn't have a replacement plan, congress began writing a new one after Trump got in office.
He yelled it's bad, I have a plan to change it, vote for me. People believed him, without asking for any specifics about what he would put in the new one.
You know our tax dollars pay the salaries of these people in Washington. Imagine what it has cost us while they try to reinvent the wheel.
The health care bill will dig into our taxes, but done right it can save us money. People can see a doctor instead of the Emergency Room. Count the doctors, nurses, and others in the ER, count the employees at your doctor's office. This is basic math.
We complain about people on disability. How about requiring them to see a doctor and try prescribed measures to repair their condition? If they do receive disability, they should see their doctor once a year to confirm their disability.
Somebody will have to pay for that. If we have a quality health care plan, we will save more by sending these people back to the work force, or any place where it doesn't come out of our pockets.
Call, mail, email, text your congressmen, tell them to stop wasting our money and make changes needed to the plan