Thursday, December 21, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


            I am having Christmas with family, five blood relates, son, grandsons, great grandsons, plus four more related by marriage. I'd love to have all my children, grandchildren, and great-grand-children, but geography makes it hard for all to be together.

            I hope everyone has a lovely family Christmas whether it's twenty or only two. Sometimes you spend it with friends, I call that a family for the day, veterans like me understand, we've celebrated a Christmas or two in another country, far from home.  

            Traditions, if your family doesn't have any, get one, they're nice. More than the gifts, I can't wait until the Christmas night poker game.

            I have sort of a memory of my grandfather playing in the poker game. Can't remember my grandmother playing, but I know they both liked to play cards. Mostly it was my parents and aunts and uncles, while we cousins played.

            As the cousins grew up, we joined the poker game, while our children ran around the room playing.

            Our kids grew up and joined the game, while their kids played. Next those kids, the grandkids grew up, and that's where I'll spend Christmas three of five generations playing poker, with great grandchildren running around playing.

            I hope everyone is spending Christmas with family and continuing your traditions. If you can't, maybe next year. Just don't spend it alone, join friends, if you don't have friends, go someplace like a soup kitchen to serve Christmas dinner, or an assisted living home. Either place you'll feel the love.

            Merry Christmas to everyone on my face book, my friends of fifty years and longer. My family, including my dearest cousins and their generations of children.  New friends who have joined because they are writers like me, or friends of friends. An extra Merry Christmas to all the paternal cousins on my face book who I've never met. Some of you are double cousins.

Merry Christmas to all. Have a good one.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The dog could win. You're all heard or read where I've claimed to be a 'yeller dog Democrate', It was a joke, but now if my dog was blond instead of black, I might consider supporting him in a run for office. Trump opens his mouth one more time, I do have a yellow cat. 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Trump is going to lower taxes on the rich. That's what Republicans do lower taxes on the rich. It has never worked. It gives the rich bigger bank balances. It's been tried by other presidents and history records it has never worked. The result is the rich get richer.

Regan tried the trickle-down policy, believing it would help people. Others like Trump do it to line their own pockets and those of their friends.

Less taxes for the rich, means the rich will have more money in the bank.

            Thirteen million will be out of heath care. I'm retired military, I don't pay for health care, but I do pay taxes, it takes a couple years, but tax payers will get the bill. This tax cut is doomed before it's voted in.  

Requiring people to pay for not taking the health care, was put in Obama care because national health care will only work if everyone participates. However, it was premature. We need a health care plan that works, that people want, before a penalty is in acted.  Back on my pulpit, we need the best health care plan congress can come up with, then they need to tweak it every year until they get it right.  

            Trump has been the White House for nearly a year and hasn't said or done anything helpful to the American people. His words and tweets make it obvious he thinks he is King. We are here for him.

            He is the President, he is here for us.

            Republicans in office are dropping with every election. It makes this Democrat happy, especially since that bigot in Alabama isn't going to congress.   

Sunday, October 1, 2017

                                                                              IT'S HERE, IT'S REALLY HERE

Poison Mushrooms, the 2nd book in the Karen Gallagher cozy mystery series. Old friends from Umbrella on the Floor, and lots of new ones. 

Karen and Rick still banter. Karen's smart mouth, works every where except with her big sister Sharon, who is a homemaker right out of the 50's.

Where Umbrella is a find em, and shoot em, Poison Mushroom is more of a think mystery, a real who-don-it . All the clues are there, follow them and figure it out, or enjoy the read and be surprised. 

Amazon, Kindle and numerous other sites. Enjoy the read

Dump Trump

Now is the time to Dump Trump. He is cutting income tax on the rich from 39% to 35%. He is also raising the middle-class rate from 10% to 12%.

America is deep in debt, so he wants to burden the middle-class with paying Dump more of it.

This trickledown effect, meaning more money in the accounts of the rich, means they will create more jobs for the rest of us.

Every Republican President has tried this and it has failed every time. Why would Trump do it again, and expect a different result.

Maybe I should change his name from Dump Trump to Dumb Trump. Either way the American people are going to pay the price. If not with our pocketbooks, then in a war, Trump chides North Korea into starting.  We need an adult President. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Dump Trump

Prince Harry in the news again, doing good things for injured veterans. He served in the British Military. I'm sure the Brits made sure their beloved Prince was watched over, but it is obvious that Harry personally was and is ready to serve.

And we have Trump, who said McCain was a POW, he liked the ones who got away. Dumb Donald, WWII wasn't a TV show, where the actor is a POW in one scene, then retreats to his dressing room or somewhere comfortable.

McCain suffered in a POW camp and survived. To me, McCain is a hero who when above and beyond for his country. Everyone knows I'm a Democrat, but I would cross any aisle, room, or anyplace else, for a chance to say thank you to this man for what he has done for his country.   

During the debates Trump explained what he did for his country. He built a big business (with 3 million start-up funds from his daddy) but he built this business, when things got rough (he filed bankruptcy, over and over). Are we supposed to honor Trump for that? Maybe he should tell us how many paper-cuts he suffered over the years. 

Dump Trump

Prince Harry in the news again, doing good things for injured veterans. He served in the British Military. I'm sure the Brits made sure their beloved Prince was watched over, but it is obvious that Harry personally was and is ready to serve.

And we have Trump, who said McCain was a POW, he liked the ones who got away. Dumb Donald, WWII wasn't a TV show, where the actor is a POW in one scene, then retreats to his dressing room or somewhere comfortable.

McCain suffered in a POW camp and survived. To me, McCain is a hero who when above and beyond for his country. Everyone knows I'm a Democrat, but I would cross any aisle, room, or anyplace else, for a chance to say thank you to this man for what he has done for his country.   

During the debates Trump explained what he did for his country. He built a big business (with 3 million start-up funds from his daddy) but he built this business, when things got rough (he filed bankruptcy, over and over). Are we supposed to honor Trump for that? Maybe he should tell us how many paper-cuts he suffered over the years. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Dump Trump

A major point against Hillary, that Trump exploited was, her failure to use a the correct server.

CBS this morning, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, (Kushie for short) is using a private server. Guess rules apply to everyone except Trump's family and friends.

P.S. The server thing, Russians harped on, but no one knew it was coming from Russia. Trump and his buddy Putin did a job on the American people. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Dump Trump

Repeal and replace. The key word is replace. Everyone is in agreement that the US needs a medical plan. Trump as usual is repeating the same words over and over, he hasn't said a word about what is wrong or will be made better in the plan. Has Trump even read the bill. I doubt it. He doesn't deal in facts, he deals is short nothing tweets.

I have written numerous time that we don't need to replace the care plan simply because a different party has won the White House. Our Congress needs to work  across party lines in the best interest of the American Citizens.

Put together bills that change specific things in the health care bill. We don't need all or nothing, we need to make it work for every American. Throwing out the entire bill will never accomplish that.

Make changes as needed in every session of Congress for the next ten or even twenty years if that's what is needed. Our country is in constant change. The population is ageing. New people come here. For 300 years, blacks suffer from sickle cell anemia, whites don't. It's important because half our population is susceptible.

 New citizens may come with diseases, that only live in their DNA, but once they are citizens we must address it. AIDs, killed so many Americans, including children who got it from a blood transfusion.   

My point, medical care is this country, is not a one fix and it's done. It is an ongoing process and needs to be treated that way.

Write, call, or tweet, your congressman and tell them do not repeal. Repair, and pass separate bills about specific problems.

Health care will never be perfect because we are a large diverse country, but we can improve and improve, making it better and better. Fix obvious problem, as they come up, because if we continue to repeal and replace it will only serve to fix some problems and introduce new ones on the same bill.

Tell your congressman to repair the health care problems line item by line item, so when something isn't working, we will know exactly which part isn't work

Friday, September 1, 2017


To the victims of the hurricane, who are losing everything they have to the water, my heart goes out to you. To those who have nowhere to go except a shelter, the hell keeps on going.

People who have insurance and a savings account, it is doubtful they will be able to replace everything they lost, which isn't leaving much hope for the rest.

Loss of your home is bad enough whether you've lived there a year or fifty years. Even if you  a rented, it was still the place where you lived your life.

The water has taken the things that can't be replaced. The pictures of your children growing up, or a parent or grandparent who has passed. The most important things often can't be replaced, because the event that made them so dear happen long ago. You can't replace it because it has no value to anyone except you.

I want to help. I have some food, blankets, and clothes to donate, but I am a writer. What I need to do is write, in the hopes of helping others understand just how bad your situation is. A sad memory that will stay with your children for life.

Because I want all the help money can buy for you folks, I'm going to bash the President again. Maybe me or someone else will get through to him.

Trump said something close to, "It happened in Texas and Texans are tough, they can get through it." Getting through something and bearing the scars for years after, are two different things.

We've had several rich Presidents. FDR was born wealthy. His polio made him understand pain and living with things you can't control. He got it.

JFK also had a silver spoon in his mouth, but he was in combat during WWII. He saw people he knew die. He got it.

Before the election, a reporter mentioned soldiers sacrificing for their country. Trump said he sacrificed too, he built a business.

Call, email, or write to your congressman, don't let Trump's obsession with giving the rich a tax break, get in the way of doing the best that can be done for the folks in Texas.

When Trump opens his mouth, his foot automatically flies in. The worst part is he doesn't have a clue. I can only think of three words to say to the hurricane survivors. The same three words I want to ask the rest of you to do for them.

Let Us Pray

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Not me this time, but I've said those words in many combinations, for as long as I can remember. No, I'm not a stupid person who can't make a right decision. In fact, I'm very smart and those words have helped me get that way.

If you refuse to recognize your mistakes and learn by them, then you can't grow as a person. Fear of saying the words, "I'm sorry," has stagnated so many people that they are holding our country in the middle of nowhere while the well-adjusted people, are struggling to find a way out of our situation.

My best friend and I went on a lovely vacation to Williamsburg, last month. When talking about Trump's latest big mouth event, she said, "Well, I voted for him because it would have been worse if Hillary got elected."

Let me explain, NO ONE IS WORSE THAN TRUMP.  She knew it, I know it, and you know it. We know who Hillary is and how she conducts herself. Whatever reason you voted for Trump, don't try to excuse it. You make a mistake, grow up, admit it, and join the rest of us who want to move on.  We're waiting on you.

Why are we waiting? Because united we stand, divided we fall. Tuck your pride somewhere. If you are too stupid to admit when you've made a mistake, then lie and say you didn't vote for Trump. Whatever it takes. Your country needs you. Your pride doesn't because the people who know you already know who you are.

Your friends, family, and others around you, know you are one of those idiots who can't say "I'm sorry," or "I made a mistake."  You have no idea how much their respect for you will grow, if you learn those words.  Don't get carried away saying the words, once per incident is enough.

We need to stop standing around waiting for someone else to do something. That's not what this country is about. If you are an American citizen you have a responsibility to take an interest in the running of the country and make changes as needed. Usually the ballot box will fulfill that requirement, this time it may not.

Call your congressman, it's said over and over, but that's the next step, it does work, only congressmen work for the majority of the people so everyone needs to call them. Someone told me long ago, 'If someone has a good lead, follow them.' If no one is leading, pick the banner up and lead.'

We are a world power, and that makes us a target. Do something. I've already contacted my congressman and I'm writing this, and will check the number of hits. Enough hits and I will send it to a lot of congressmen. I'm open to all ideas, we need to do something quickly, before countries like North Korea decide we are broken and start dropping bombs on our home towns. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Politics, Politics, Politics

Politics, Politics, Politics

The first three words of a Mel Brooks joke in one of his comedy movies. Maybe that's where it belongs.

Bob Schieffer, a newsman who has covered nine presidents, said if someone with ties to a foreign government approached him with damming information about a candidate, even as a newsman he would be suspicious and not go.

Trump's son-in-law, an educated, experienced businessman, hopped on a plane and went to Russia. Come on, is anyone dense enough to think Trump didn't send him?

Have Americans returned to a Barney Google mentality? Clinton had consensual sex with someone and the country started impeachment proceedings. What? How is that our business? I am sure Hillary may have forgiven him in public, in private is still making him pay.

Trump has not only done the same, and bragged about it. Because he wasn't president he gets a pass.

The sex lives of our leaders won't make our lives better or worse for us and our children. What will make a difference is letting the Russians get something on someone who works in, with, or for our government. Trump sold us out. Does anybody care?

A foreign government has an under-the-table relationship with our President, and no one cares.

Nixon resigned prior to impeachment because of Watergate. At least he did it with other Americans, he didn't sell us out to a foreign government, but Trump has.

Trump needs to build a comfy mansion in Moscow, and we the American people need to put someone who does and always will put America first, in the White House.     

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? I do, we were one switch away from our east coast being blown to bits. The president was JFK, aka President Kennedy, who came from a very successful business family. His father also served in political positions, and his maternal grandfather was a career politician.

Besides being raised in politics, JFK was also a veteran of WWII. He knew what war was about because he had been there in the middle of the fighting. He also spoke the language of a soldier.

President Kennedy backed Russia down. The biggest threat our country ever had, because their missiles were at our door step. Today they no longer need to be at our door step, missiles are called long range for a reason.

On our side, South Korea, while China and Russia could care less. The rest of the world, England, Germany, Japan, etc., don't like Trump, don't trust him, and don't want to deal with him.

This President even lied about how many people attended his inauguration when there were thousands of pictures out there that proved he was lying.

 My mouth dropped during one of the debates when someone brought up what veterans have suffered and given up for their country, his reply was that he had given up a lot his country. He was asked what he suffered for his country. Trump replied that he worked to build a business.

Every time Trump says "Believe me" in a speech, I want to throw up.

We are in trouble and there is no Kennedy at the helm. Trump is to thin skinned to deal with seasoned politicians like Putin. He doesn't understand the running of our country. He hasn't accomplished anything because all his promises were to get elected, he was a parrot who said words without knowing what they meant.    

Right now, we desperately need a President who has or can gain the respect of all countries, be they friend or enemy. Someone who can and will deliver what they promise.

Trump doesn't like to the American people, what he is does is dismiss us because to him we don't count, he wants us to worship him while he lies to us.

I don't think we can afford four years of Trump. There are countries poised to bring down the USA now that we have a tweeting buffoon as President. While Trump is consumed with some TV news program saying unkind things. He doesn't have time to learn about health care, or missile strikes on our west coast.    

Friday, June 23, 2017


Ever since there have been little boys, they've played with blocks. In my day, they were made of wood, with letters and numbers painted on them. Today, it's Legos.

Some little boys would begin building something. If they couldn't get it the way they wanted, instead of trying to make changes, they slapped the blocks and scattered them across the floor.

Most little boys grow out of the destroy-instead-of-repair phase. A few don't, when those little boys grow up they are called names like, Congressman and Senator.

Little girls sometimes express this destroy-instead-of-fix way, usually with puzzles, which make a smaller mess. Girls outgrow it, only a few fail to change. This explains why there are fewer women in Congress.

They are doing it again. The Obama Care act is a start on something this country desperately needs. All the other industrial countries have a health care plan. If the little boys bothered to look at theirs, they could see what might work for us and what won't.    

In our diverse country, no plan will work on the first try. It will take years of trial and error. We have a basis, but it will need tweaking every year, until it's as good as it can get. It is impossible to make it perfect for everyone. 

Little Republican boys want to throw the entire plan away because they are afraid if it gets fixed and works, the little Democrat boys will get the credit.   

This thing started because Trump said he was going to throw it out and replace it. Now we clearly see he had no idea what was in the plan, let alone what was wrong with it. He didn't have a replacement plan, congress began writing a new one after Trump got in office.

He yelled it's bad, I have a plan to change it, vote for me. People believed him, without asking for any specifics about what he would put in the new one.  

You know our tax dollars pay the salaries of these people in Washington. Imagine what it has cost us while they try to reinvent the wheel.

The health care bill will dig into our taxes, but done right it can save us money. People can see a doctor instead of the Emergency Room. Count the doctors, nurses, and others in the ER, count the employees at your doctor's office. This is basic math.

We complain about people on disability. How about requiring them to see a doctor and try prescribed measures to repair their condition? If they do receive disability, they should see their doctor once a year to confirm their disability.

Somebody will have to pay for that. If we have a quality health care plan, we will save more by sending these people back to the work force, or any place where it doesn't come out of our pockets.

Call, mail, email, text your congressmen, tell them to stop wasting our money and make changes needed to the plan


Sunday, June 18, 2017


 You left this world far too soon. Let me tell you about your three great and four great-great-grandsons.

First was Mathew Stephen, he was still in high school, he never married or lived with the mother. A DNA test when baby Seth was a month old made Mathew a father. After a lot of barging, joint custody resulted. Matt took classes in parenting, he changed diapers, fed, and did everything for Seth. The first time I watched my grandson burp his child, tears filled my eyes.

Next came Roby, Ian was four when Roby married his mother. Rob had a little trouble at the outset. I bought a soft football for my ex-high school football star. Roby, was instantly outside with his new son. Rob checks on me regularly, always with young Ian at his side. A baby girl is scheduled to arrive in September, giving Roby a daughter and Ian a sister.

Michael has only been a father for nine months, he and his beautiful wife are doing great with little Jason. Mike has an ancestry of special fathers in his DNA.

My son, Steve, (Michael Stephen) is among the modern fathers. His wife of thirty years is a smart, well educated, woman who is an executive with a large corporation. Steve became a Deputy Sheriff. Instead of dedicating himself to moving up in his career, he chose to excel as a Dad. There were times when his wife Kim sat watching one boy playing a sport while she did homework in the bleachers, with her other son. Still a career leaves a lot of slack. Steve and the boys did Karate together. All three are divers who enjoy the waters around Florida and the Caribbean. Steve and his sons have that special relationship, that keep them very close. 

Daddy you left this world far too soon. My oldest boy, Roby's father is up there with you. Dad you had to leave school at 13 and go to work in the mines. You never had a son, only one child, me, a girl. Mother worked nights, you put me to bed with the only song you knew, I made you sing it over and over. You were in school long enough to learn your times tables, that was my story time, repeating from the twos to the nine times tables.

When you had your first heart attack in 1952, Doc Thomas put you in bed for six weeks, with a bed pan, no getting up. No TVs in bedrooms back then. Mother worked and Grandma Slatzer, your mother, took care of you. One day Mother bought a bunch of magazines off the rack in the store. I don't remember the names, but they all had names like World New and Report. You devoured them like a starving man, and asked for more.

Once you got back to work, suppertime became our special time. We talked politics and history, our favorite subjects. If Mother was home for supper, she was glad to work the next night because you and I had a language all our own, about eras, places, and news.

You might be described as an average man, but look at genes you have passed down to some amazing men, and women. I know you are up there smiling. I miss you Daddy. 


Thursday, June 15, 2017

What a News Week

A man shot some Republicans before he was killed by police. When a Republican leaves a vacancy, he is usually replaced by another Republican. As for the guy who did the shooting, no one will remember his name. I don't know his name.

Armed Police surrounded a house where an un-armed high school senior was hiding in his cousin's closet. Both he and his mother are illegal immigrants and will be deported. This is where my tax dollars are going! If you voted for Trump did you know his promise to rid the country of Illegal immigrants meant a mother and a boy in high-school. If anyone was expecting the illegals he promised to hunt down would be drug dealers and other criminals, sorry.

The best way to get rid of Republicans is in the voting booth. The cost of capturing that scared kid in the closet could have put him through Junior College.    

I would like to hear your opinions. Mine are, ask the media not to call the perpetrator of one of these crimes by name once he has been caught or killed. Advertise that no one will be remembered for these crimes, because the media will not publicize their name.

I am all for deporting illegals, but if the government is going to send out a half dozen, hundred thousand a year cops, wearing thousands of dollars of equipment, out to nab illegals, go after someone who is worth the expense. Trump may not pay taxes, but you and I do.


Sunday, June 11, 2017


Things they are a changing. I posted this on my face book and now I can't find it, hopefully this will make it onto my site.

I said if Trump got elected he would be impeached or simply quit in the first year. I am in my summer home in Virginia where the signs elect Trump were all over the place, this state was all for Trump.

Now there is an ad for the governor were the candidate is running on an anti Trump campaign.

I am a vet. After one of the Clinton, Trump, debates, he was ask something about the sacrifices our military made for our country. He replied he made sacrifices too. Ask what, he said he started a business and made it successful. That's how Trump compared himself to soldiers who died for our country.   

Monday, May 29, 2017

A Boy Named Pearl

The Moonshine Festival is over for another year. I spent a lot of time at the Historical Society building, Two ladies who worked there and I exchanged lots of stories about the area. 

One day we talked about Pud Slatzer. I believe he was the son of James Slatzer. We all knew the man nickname Pud, but none of us knew who he really was.

I sat down with the Straitsville arrest records from 1870 to 1925.  The third time I found an arrest record for Pearl Slatzer, I ask, "Who was she?"

Pearl was a man, in those days Pearl was a man's name. Now, if I were a boy whose mother named me Pearl, I would definitely find a nickname as soon as I was old enough to know my name was Pearl.

One of the ladies believed Pearl was in fact Pud.  It made sense. In my research anyone named Pearl, I would have assumed was female. 

We had a different version of one story. We knew Pud was a moonshiner. He also everybody, along with all of their secrets. Get someone drunk, and they will tell you everything.  

Pud and another man were in the bar. There was a gambling machine of some kind. Pud said he was going to take it. The man owned the machine and told Pud he wasn't authorized to have it.

They argued until the machine owner said he was going to take the machine home, so Pud couldn't take it. Pud told the man if he picked up the machine he would shoot him.

The fool picked up the machine and Pud shot him. The sheriff took Pud to jail, because even in Straitsville, murder kind of a serious matter.

In my version of the story Pud's father, uncles, brothers, etc., took their guns and went to the jail, where they  demanded the sheriff turn him loose.

Whatever the truth, Pud never spent a night in jail. Later he was later found innocent of the murder. I guess the man just got in the way when Pud's gun was going off.  

Friday, May 26, 2017

Moonshine Fest part II

Thursday, I went to New Straitsville, you can't imagine the drive down route 595, everything looks the same as it did in 1800. I went to the cave where the miners hid to form a union. The story of the fire the miners started, I wrote once that it burned of a half a century, I was wrong the fire was started in 1884 and it is still burning, I'm told they have it contained to a certain area, but it still burns.

There is so much more to learn. My book about the people of the area will be a story of life that could happen anywhere in the USA doing any kind of work. It will be a picture of American history, who the people of that time were, what they felt, the standards of right an wrong were at different times in history. 


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Moonshine Fest

Hi all, I'm in Ohio getting ready to go to the Moonshine Fest, the weather is lousy so I may be the only one there. I plan to return again on Saturday if it isn't pouring rain. I'll tell you about it when I return this evening. Would love for anyone in central Ohio to join me.


Friday, May 12, 2017

HI All,

Sorry to take so long posting. Want to invite you to have some fun. Memorial Day Weekend is the Moonshine Fest in New Straitsville, Ohio. I'm going down on opening day which is the Thursday before Memorial Day, I will return on Saturday in hopes of meeting all the people who have to travel or work during the week.

Straitsville is in south eastern Ohio. I am writing a historical fiction about a German-American family who were among the first settlers in the early 1700's. I am following them from fighting Indians to the Civil War, to the first Labor Union, to the depression and how moonshine kept the family going.

If you are anywhere in the area, please come down and meet me. I will post how I will be dressed, I plan to wear something that will stand out.  Please join me if you can

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I had a book about a choo choo train, the engineer was Casey Jones. Obviously, I was a very little girl. In my father's home town of Straitsville, when my parents visited friends and family, lots of family. They always talked about Casey Jones. These adults were talking about my story book.

Years later in Frankfurt, Germany, I was the Community PSNCO, we were closing down the military in Frankfurt, I was all over the place. I spent about a week I was working in an office, I don't remember why, it was a busy time.

There was a retired soldier, married to a German, working as a civilian government employee. He was around ten years older than me. We found we were both from Ohio. He was born and raised in a little town called Straitsville.

WOW! I told him my maiden name. From that point on we were talking about memories of South Eastern Ohio. He said, "Of course, you know who Casey Jones was."

That's when I found out all those adults weren't talking about my story book, they were talking about a real person. Casey was a well-known philanthropist in the area.

Many more years, I am on ancestry looking up my family history, in and around Straitsville, Perry County, Ohio. Yes, I am writing a book, as well. In every city, town, and village, in the USA, you will find people named Jones. I need help.

I found a John, David, George, Clayton, and Joseph Jones. All of them have the middle initial, C. Talk about dead ends. Three were coal miners, one of them a mule driver. A mule driver took the wagon down in the mines where it was filled with coal then he drove it back. Crossed him off my list.

The other two listed as coal miners also were crossed off. David and John look like they may have been rich enough to be the famed Casey Jones.


I put this on my face book which has numerous relatives I never met but can trace back to my grandparents or in some cases my great grandparents.

Anyone who has ever been to Straitsville, Ohio, maybe for the annual Moonshine Fest, or perhaps you have ancestors from that area, which means you are likely related to me in some form.

If you know anything about this Casey Jones please let me know.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


This is the week I usually do a political rant. Trump is still ugly, but he got ISIS attention. Korea hopefully has taken a step back to reconsider their threats. He does one thing right then does dumb over and over. That bomb could have done a lot of good for us, but then Trump's ego got in the way.

I decided on a joke, but couldn't find one. One thing I hope isn't a joke, it looks like my 5th great grandchild is going to be a girl. Finally, hopefully. If it's another boy, well, it's another player on the family football team, but I sure hope this one is a cheer-leader.

Kathy, my dear friend of over sixty years came through, she sent me the ideal message for Easter. Enjoy.

Jesus once said that even a simple act of kindness is never forgotten.  He also said that those failing to exercise kindness will also be remembered …... 


You can never do an act of kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will become too late. 


Time is free, but it is priceless.  You can't own it, but you can use it.  You can't keep it, but you can spend it.  Once you've lost it, you can never get it back.  Be sure that those you love are made aware of that fact -- daily.  One day soon you may not be able to remind them .... ever again.


In the final analysis, the only thing humans have of value is time itself.  As the Creator, God already owns all things, so time is the only thing of value we can offer to Him, serving wherever and however He sees fit. 


The majority of God's servants will live out their lives serving quietly, unnoticed in the background, because everything He has made has a purpose, a reason for existing. 


Don't think too much.  You'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place, along with an awful headache.


Before a man speaks it is always safe to assume that he is a fool.  After he speaks, it is seldom necessary to assume it.


Nothing will work unless you do.


Thank God tears are colorless.  If they were different colors for different feelings, our pillows would reveal the private thoughts of our hearts during the night.  


Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.


Never demand perfection of imperfect people, because there are none on earth at this time, and you are guaranteed to become disappointed with them.   


Humans are creatures quickly impressed by mere appearances, forming quick opinions of other people or things they do not understand.   Undoubtedly this is why Satan's efforts to lead people away from the Truth involves something or someone appealing to the power of the eye. 


Warning: Going to sleep on Sunday will cause Monday.


If a man has done his best, what else is there?


In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.


Remember that the most valuable antiques are old friends.


Too many professed Christians today are no longer fishers of men but content with being keepers of the aquarium.


For all his sophistication, man owes his existence to 4 inches of topsoil and the fact that God makes it rain.


I am not afraid of storms, I am doing my best to learn how to 'sail my ship'...  


Over my shoulder, one last backward glance: Success during this life is like the words to the song, `I will sail my vessel till the river runs dry'.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

I believe there are a few people out there who haven't read Umbrella on the Floor yet. Here are the first couple pages. Enjoy

I'm sitting in a window seat, in the last row on a Boeing 767, handcuffed to the man next to me. We aren't supposed to be on this plane because it's a contract plane. Which means it is a commercial airline that the government has contracted to fly military and their families to and from overseas assignments. This flight is nonstop from Frankfurt, Germany to Philadelphia, PA. 

My name is Karen Gallagher. For the next ten days, I am a Warrant Officer in the United States Army, assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. This assignment is sort of a parting gift from my Colonel. I used all of my leave, over the past few months, after my parents were in a car accident. My mother stills needs me, so I made the hardest choice of my life, I resigned from the Army.

This mission is taking me to the states close to my end date. The Colonel gave me the assignment because it will get me home a few days early. 

Walt, my partner, mentor, and longtime friend is sitting in the aisle seat. He is also handcuffed to the man in the middle. Master Sergeant Walt Walters is in his forties and well over six-feet tall.  The rest of him looks like Mr. T. with an Army haircut.

He volunteered for the assignment. We have partnered several times, beginning with when I was a Private. This is the first time we've worked together since I became a Warrant Officer and out rank Walt. It should be interesting.  

The man in the middle is James Edward Blackburn, a convicted murderer. Walt and I are escorting him to the United States Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Blackburn faced a Court Marshall in Heidelberg, Germany where he was found guilty of first degree, premeditated murder. He is sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.  

We were scheduled to be the only passengers on an Air Force carrier flight from Frankfurt to the Dover Air Station. The plane was grounded for repairs at the last minute. Under the circumstance the powers that be decided we needed to depart on the next plane flying.

Here we are on a contract flight with kids in nearly every row. Instead of landing on a small military installation, we will land at a large international airport.

Walt and I are both nervous about all the civilians on this plane.

Usually, I love the hustle and bustle of the Philly airport, but the idea of getting through the crowds, with a prisoner, is not making me smile.

The sun will be going down when we land. Walt and I will drive our prisoner to Dover, Delaware in a rental car that should be waiting for us when we arrive. Tomorrow morning we will board an Air Force flight, to Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Military Police from Fort Leavenworth will meet our flight and drive us the final hundred miles to the penitentiary.

 Walt has a white pullover sweater laid across the handcuff attaching him to Blackburn. On my side, I have a new burgundy sweater masking my cuff.      

Blackburn is staring straight ahead. He's been this way since we took custody of him at Rhine-Maine Air Base this morning.

The flight attendant comes by to get our dinner order. Blackburn doesn't acknowledge her; his eyes are wide open, still staring straight ahead.

Walt moves his index finger between himself and Blackburn as he says, "We'll have the chicken breast with mixed greens."

I lean forward and tell the attendant that I'll have the same.

When our dinners arrive, Walt removes his handcuffs and discreetly slips them down in the seat beside him. This frees up Blackburn's right hand so both he and Walt can eat. Blackburn picks at his food until Walt says, "You got two minutes before I put the cuffs back on. Officer Gallagher can eat."

Blackburn abruptly pulls his hand away from his tray.

Walt finishes eating, then puts the cuffs back on Blackburn. I go through the same procedure, to free up my hand. Blackburn is still staring straight ahead at the back of the chair in front of him.  

Once the food is cleared, the movie comes on. It's some new sci-fi. I prefer a good whodunit, so I lay my head against the window and close my eyes. My body is contorted because of my attachment to Blackburn. If I turn in his direction and fall asleep, my head might fall over on his shoulder or worse, his lap.

"Turn around. I'll keep an eye on you," Walt says in a low voice.

After turning in Blackburn's direction, I take a long look at him and wonder what he's thinking behind those staring eyes. How can he keep staring at nothing? He reminds me of the Beefeater Guards I saw in London. People wave their hands in front of their faces and yell, "Are you in there?" Like the guards, Blackburn's eyes are fixed straight ahead. I doubt tickling him would work. A smile crosses my face. If I slowly slid my hand down and unzip his pants, would that make him blink?


I'm sitting in a window seat, in the last row on a Boeing 767, handcuffed to the man next to me. We aren't supposed to be on this plane because it's a contract plane. Which means it is a commercial airline that the government has contracted to fly military and their families to and from overseas assignments. This flight is nonstop from Frankfurt, Germany to Philadelphia, PA. 

My name is Karen Gallagher. For the next ten days, I am a Warrant Officer in the United States Army, assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. This assignment is sort of a parting gift from my Colonel. I used all of my leave, over the past few months, after my parents were in a car accident. My mother stills needs me, so I made the hardest choice of my life, I resigned from the Army.

This mission is taking me to the states close to my end date. The Colonel gave me the assignment because it will get me home a few days early. 

Walt, my partner, mentor, and longtime friend is sitting in the aisle seat. He is also handcuffed to the man in the middle. Master Sergeant Walt Walters is in his forties and well over six-feet tall.  The rest of him looks like Mr. T. with an Army haircut.

He volunteered for the assignment. We have partnered several times, beginning with when I was a Private. This is the first time we've worked together since I became a Warrant Officer and out rank Walt. It should be interesting.  

The man in the middle is James Edward Blackburn, a convicted murderer. Walt and I are escorting him to the United States Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Blackburn faced a Court Marshall in Heidelberg, Germany where he was found guilty of first degree, premeditated murder. He is sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.  

We were scheduled to be the only passengers on an Air Force carrier flight from Frankfurt to the Dover Air Station. The plane was grounded for repairs at the last minute. Under the circumstance the powers that be decided we needed to depart on the next plane flying.

Here we are on a contract flight with kids in nearly every row. Instead of landing on a small military installation, we will land at a large international airport.

Walt and I are both nervous about all the civilians on this plane.

Usually, I love the hustle and bustle of the Philly airport, but the idea of getting through the crowds, with a prisoner, is not making me smile.

The sun will be going down when we land. Walt and I will drive our prisoner to Dover, Delaware in a rental car that should be waiting for us when we arrive. Tomorrow morning we will board an Air Force flight, to Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Military Police from Fort Leavenworth will meet our flight and drive us the final hundred miles to the penitentiary.

 Walt has a white pullover sweater laid across the handcuff attaching him to Blackburn. On my side, I have a new burgundy sweater masking my cuff.      

Blackburn is staring straight ahead. He's been this way since we took custody of him at Rhine-Maine Air Base this morning.

The flight attendant comes by to get our dinner order. Blackburn doesn't acknowledge her; his eyes are wide open, still staring straight ahead.

Walt moves his index finger between himself and Blackburn as he says, "We'll have the chicken breast with mixed greens."

I lean forward and tell the attendant that I'll have the same.

When our dinners arrive, Walt removes his handcuffs and discreetly slips them down in the seat beside him. This frees up Blackburn's right hand so both he and Walt can eat. Blackburn picks at his food until Walt says, "You got two minutes before I put the cuffs back on. Officer Gallagher can eat."

Blackburn abruptly pulls his hand away from his tray.

Walt finishes eating, then puts the cuffs back on Blackburn. I go through the same procedure, to free up my hand. Blackburn is still staring straight ahead at the back of the chair in front of him.  

Once the food is cleared, the movie comes on. It's some new sci-fi. I prefer a good whodunit, so I lay my head against the window and close my eyes. My body is contorted because of my attachment to Blackburn. If I turn in his direction and fall asleep, my head might fall over on his shoulder or worse, his lap.

"Turn around. I'll keep an eye on you," Walt says in a low voice.

After turning in Blackburn's direction, I take a long look at him and wonder what he's thinking behind those staring eyes. How can he keep staring at nothing? He reminds me of the Beefeater Guards I saw in London. People wave their hands in front of their faces and yell, "Are you in there?" Like the guards, Blackburn's eyes are fixed straight ahead. I doubt tickling him would work. A smile crosses my face. If I slowly slid my hand down and unzip his pants, would that make him blink?


I'm sitting in a window seat, in the last row on a Boeing 767, handcuffed to the man next to me. We aren't supposed to be on this plane because it's a contract plane. Which means it is a commercial airline that the government has contracted to fly military and their families to and from overseas assignments. This flight is nonstop from Frankfurt, Germany to Philadelphia, PA. 

My name is Karen Gallagher. For the next ten days, I am a Warrant Officer in the United States Army, assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. This assignment is sort of a parting gift from my Colonel. I used all of my leave, over the past few months, after my parents were in a car accident. My mother stills needs me, so I made the hardest choice of my life, I resigned from the Army.

This mission is taking me to the states close to my end date. The Colonel gave me the assignment because it will get me home a few days early. 

Walt, my partner, mentor, and longtime friend is sitting in the aisle seat. He is also handcuffed to the man in the middle. Master Sergeant Walt Walters is in his forties and well over six-feet tall.  The rest of him looks like Mr. T. with an Army haircut.

He volunteered for the assignment. We have partnered several times, beginning with when I was a Private. This is the first time we've worked together since I became a Warrant Officer and out rank Walt. It should be interesting.  

The man in the middle is James Edward Blackburn, a convicted murderer. Walt and I are escorting him to the United States Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Blackburn faced a Court Marshall in Heidelberg, Germany where he was found guilty of first degree, premeditated murder. He is sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.  

We were scheduled to be the only passengers on an Air Force carrier flight from Frankfurt to the Dover Air Station. The plane was grounded for repairs at the last minute. Under the circumstance the powers that be decided we needed to depart on the next plane flying.

Here we are on a contract flight with kids in nearly every row. Instead of landing on a small military installation, we will land at a large international airport.

Walt and I are both nervous about all the civilians on this plane.

Usually, I love the hustle and bustle of the Philly airport, but the idea of getting through the crowds, with a prisoner, is not making me smile.

The sun will be going down when we land. Walt and I will drive our prisoner to Dover, Delaware in a rental car that should be waiting for us when we arrive. Tomorrow morning we will board an Air Force flight, to Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Military Police from Fort Leavenworth will meet our flight and drive us the final hundred miles to the penitentiary.

 Walt has a white pullover sweater laid across the handcuff attaching him to Blackburn. On my side, I have a new burgundy sweater masking my cuff.      

Blackburn is staring straight ahead. He's been this way since we took custody of him at Rhine-Maine Air Base this morning.

The flight attendant comes by to get our dinner order. Blackburn doesn't acknowledge her; his eyes are wide open, still staring straight ahead.

Walt moves his index finger between himself and Blackburn as he says, "We'll have the chicken breast with mixed greens."

I lean forward and tell the attendant that I'll have the same.

When our dinners arrive, Walt removes his handcuffs and discreetly slips them down in the seat beside him. This frees up Blackburn's right hand so both he and Walt can eat. Blackburn picks at his food until Walt says, "You got two minutes before I put the cuffs back on. Officer Gallagher can eat."

Blackburn abruptly pulls his hand away from his tray.

Walt finishes eating, then puts the cuffs back on Blackburn. I go through the same procedure, to free up my hand. Blackburn is still staring straight ahead at the back of the chair in front of him.  

Once the food is cleared, the movie comes on. It's some new sci-fi. I prefer a good whodunit, so I lay my head against the window and close my eyes. My body is contorted because of my attachment to Blackburn. If I turn in his direction and fall asleep, my head might fall over on his shoulder or worse, his lap.

"Turn around. I'll keep an eye on you," Walt says in a low voice.

After turning in Blackburn's direction, I take a long look at him and wonder what he's thinking behind those staring eyes. How can he keep staring at nothing? He reminds me of the Beefeater Guards I saw in London. People wave their hands in front of their faces and yell, "Are you in there?" Like the guards, Blackburn's eyes are fixed straight ahead. I doubt tickling him would work. A smile crosses my face. If I slowly slid my hand down and unzip his pants, would that make him blink?